Who Was Paul the Apostle? a Biography | Church History
Upon returning to the original circle of disciples, Peter had an encounter with an Italian centurion named Cornelius. After a vision where Peter is commanded by God not to call anything or anyone He made unclean, Peter sees Cornelius and preaches to him the gospel. Upon Cornelius’ acceptance of the gospel, Peter baptizes him and all his household. From here on Peter would be convinced that Gentiles have a place in the Church.
Peter migrates to Antioch while Paul begins travelling with his Barnabas to preach the gospel to both Jews and Gentiles. Unfortunately, the first heresy begins circulating at this time. Zealous Jewish Christians known as Judaizers insisted that Gentiles ought to first become Jewish through circumcision and keeping the Sabbath and only then could they become Christians. This brings Paul’s first missionary trip to a halt as he and Barnabas return to the Apostles in Jerusalem as the first council in Church history convenes there. There, the disciples unanimously and under the guidance of the Spirit, decreed that Gentiles ought not to keep Jewish customs but should rather abstain from blood, animals that are strangled, and sexual immorality. Paul and Barnabas then resume their journey but this time are joined by John-Mark, Barnabas’s nephew according to tradition. During the journey, John-Mark deserts Paul and Barnabas. As the second journey begins, Paul and Barnabas quarrel over whether Mark should join them or not. They part ways; Paul takes Silas with him and Barnabas takes Mark. Paul later embarked on a third missionary journey with Luke and Silas recorded in detail in Acts. The first journey of Paul covered approximately two-thousand kilometers and the second and third journeys both involved over four-thousand kilometers. Traveling was largely done on foot. The last details we hear about Paul from Acts report that he is under house arrest in Rome preaching the Gospel. Historians are divided as to what happens afterward. Some suggested that he was freed and went as far as Spain and was then arrested once more and then executed. Others believe he was eventually put on trial and executed following his house arrest.